Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Possible "working claims" (Blog #9)

1) Possible Thesis #1: “Magazine ads and commercials can ultimately influence how women see themselves and how they behave and can lead to harmful behaviors such as eating disorders.”

2) Possible Thesis #2: Spray tanning, flippers, makeup and fake nails all at the age of two years old. Shows like Toddlers and Tiaras and dance moms have taken beauty and talent pageants/ competitions to the extreme. These shows held on national television have led young kids to believe it's ok to be "sexy" and grown up looking at a far to young age. 

3) Possible Thesis #3: T.V. advertisements, billboards and magazines are influencing sexual behavior in teenagers about how "sex sells" by the way products are marketed. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Alexa! So, I can see from these options that you're interested in talking more about how media negatively affects people today, which could be a great topic for this final paper. All three options could potentially work, but you might help them get a little juicier by trying to get at "how" media is so effective at this nowadays. In Thesis #1, for example, you could suggest that the problem of media affecting women (which has been happening for quite some time) is actually getting amplified now thanks to the fact that girls today are constantly connected to media through their cellphones or other devices. This means that they are potentially even more impacted by media than past generations. I could see you connecting this idea to iPod World (forwarding his idea of narrowcasting) or What's the Matter with Kids Today? (countering her claim that the internet is a positive thing for kids). Or maybe you could take Thesis #2 and connect it to Why We Crave Horror Movies? I know it sounds weird, but when I think about Toddlers and Tiaras, I almost imagine that it's like watching a train wreck or other horrific scene. So maybe you could make a claim about why shows like that are so popular, even though they tend to disgust people? I'm curious to see where you take your ideas- just remember: think about not just stating that something is happening, but try to dig deeper and get at the "why or how" and you'll get closer to your juicy claim!
